2014 News
First, the organization would like to give a big congratulations to three of our AJKA-I Head Directors: Sensei Avi Azoulay, Sensei Rob DeAngelis & Sensei Kevin Warner for their promotion to 7th Dan! AJKA-I USA is very fortunate to have so many great senseis leading us!
Second, we would like to welcome some new friends to the family. On the East Coast we welcome Warwick Shotokan led by Sensei Andrew Spivack, and Central Bucks Karate Club led by Sensei David Liddle to AJKA-I USA. Going farther east, we give a big welcome to our new AJKA-I Japan Headquarter, International Karate-Do Kenshinkai (国際空手é“挙信會会) led by Sensei Kenshin Toshi Iwata, located in the Tokyo prefecture. Feel free to contact our new Japan HQ at AJKAJapan@gmail.com.
Last, but not least, congratulations to our very own AJKA-I USA National Team at the 2013 Ippon Cup in Berlin, Germany, held on September 14th! The team was comprised of junior, senior and veteran competitors from the east & west coast. Led by team coach, Sensei Nathan Scarano. USA brought home 22 medals, including 12 Gold!