Battle in Bucks
Rules & Regulations
• Competitors must meet the uniform requirements;
• Long hair should be neatly gathered with discreet elastic bands so as not to interfere with the performance of the event.
• Jewelry, hats, caps, headbands and sweatbands will not be allowed.
• Finger and toenails should be short and neatly trimmed.
• Contestants who present themselves incorrectly dressed will be given one minute to remedy the situation.
• All contestants must perform Traditional Shotokan Kata.
• Every competitor will have the choice to repeat their kata, or perform a different kata each round.
• All kata divisions will be judged by utilizing the Flag System.
Team Kata:
• All Team Kata divisions will be judged by utilizing the Flag System.
• All Teams must consist of 3 members. The team will be entered into the division of the team member of the highest rank e.g. a team of two orange belts and a green belt will be entered into the intermediate division.
• All team members must fall into the correct age range for the entered division.
• The kata performed MUST fall in line with the rank of the competitors. Katas done above or too far below rank will result in penalty or disqualification at discretion of referee.
• All contestants must perform Traditional Shotokan Kata.
• Teams will be registered under the Team Captain’s name.
• IKU modified rules.
• No contact is permitted to the head, face, neck or groin, for youth divisions
• Youth Division: Two minutes (running time.) Sanbon Kumite, (6 half points). Ippon and Wazari will be awarded
• In the Adult final or championship round 3 Ippon and Three minutes (stop time) will be utilized
• Only the Bo staff may be used during the weapons division.
• The contestants must always maintain control of the weapon during the performance. A contestant will be disqualified if he/she drops or releases a weapon during their performance
• No weapons variations are allowed unless otherwise approved in advance by the Tournament Director and Chief Referee
• The Kobudo competition will be judged utilizing the flag system
Division Chart
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Kata & Kumite Divisions
[table id=2 /]
Kata, Kumite, Team Kata& Kobudo Divisions
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Battle In Bucks
Sun. November 5th
Lenape Middle School
313 State Road
Doylestown Pa, 18901
Entry Fees:
ALL EVENTS $60.00 (By October 31st)
Late Registration (received after 10/31 or at the door) $75.00
Spectator fee $10.00 (per Family)
1) Traditional White Gi
2) Mouth guard and white, red blue Hand pads
3) Groin protection-male
4) Dip-foam Headgear
Ages 18 & under
5) Shin/Instep pads
Optional: Female chest protector
Register Online at or By October 31
Things to know before registering…
Name of Team Captain if participating in Team Kata
Age of participant on November 5th, 2017
Level of participant
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Contact Bucks County Karate School 215-782-0206
Reserve your Battle In Bucks Tournament T-Shirt today!$15
Orders will be accepted until October 19th
Some shirts will be available at the door for $20.00
To order, call or email Jen @ 215-783-0206,
Event Schedule
9:00am…………Judges’ Meeting
9:30am……… Tournament Opening
Followed by Kobuto, Team Kata, Kata, and Kumite
Student’s Name_______________________________
Phone Number______________________________
To order please send this form with Check made payable to Bucks County Karate School
To: Jennefer Pursell
20 Pineside Drive
Perkasie, Pa 18944
All T- shirt orders must be received by October 19, 2017. Additional T-shirts will be for sale at event for $20.
Youth Small (8) Youth Medium (10-12)
Youth Large (14-16)
Adult Small, Adult Medium,
Adult Large, Adult
Extra Large, Adult XXL $17
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