Instructor Directive
AJKA-International/USA – Directive & Clarification
Official Instructor Classifications, Requirements and Authorizations
Instructor Training Program Overview
The AJKA-I Instructor Training Program is designed with two goals in mind. First, to encourage the formal training of karate instructors for the development of AJKA-I Shotokan Karate-do. Second, to help participants develop interpersonal, class presentation, skills necessary to motivate and guide others in their search to understand and master the art of shotokan karate-do.
Candidates are admitted to the program based upon their interest and their potential to develop into highly qualified karate instructors. The program is based on time in training, attainment of ranking, and performance of karate instruction in the candidate's own club.
Licensed Positions:
1. Unclassified Trainee
2. Instructor Trainee (Class E)
3. Associate Instructor (Class D)
4. Qualified Instructor (Class C)
5. Senior Instructor (Class B)
6. Official Instructor (Class A)
POSITION: Unclassified Trainee
An Unclassified Trainee is defined as an individual who does not meet one or more of the basic requirements for regularly licensed instructors but who a) is assisting with instruction on a regular basis or b) has been identified as having the potential to become a licensed instructor. Minimum ranking required is AJKA-I third kyu.
POSITION: Instructor Trainee (Class E Instructor)
Specific Requirements:
1. AJKA-I Shodan rank or higher.
2. Enrolled and participating in an official AJKA-I instructor training program
3. No authorization to promote students of any rank
POSITION: Associate Instructor (Class D Instructor)
Specific Requirements:
1. AJKA-I Nidan/Sandan rank or higher
2. Has graduated AJKA-I instructor training program in the previous 12 months
3. Nidan level graduates: if authorized by regional director, may promote youth and adult students to the rank of 6th Kyu. Two (2) Nidan graduates may promote youth and adult students to the rank of 4th Kyu.
4. Sandan level graduates: Authorized to promote youth and adult students to the AJKA-I rank of 3rd kyu (1st kyu if authorized by regional director).
Standard duties and responsibilities:
- Regularly assisting Associate or higher level instructors for a minimum of 1 year, or acting as a Club Director under the supervision of a Qualified Instructor for a minimum of 1 year. Participates in on-going regional/national AJKA-I instructor training sessions.
POSITION: Qualified Instructor (Class C Instructor)
Specific Requirements:
1. AJKA-I Sandan rank or higher.
2. Has graduated AJKA-I instructor training program more then 12 months prior
3. Authorized to promote youth and adult students to the AJKA-I rank of 1st kyu
Standard duties and responsibilities:
- Charged with the primary responsibility for the training of general members in at least one AJKA-I club. The Qualified Instructor is qualified to conduct general training classes for basic, intermediate and advanced students, and assists Instructor Trainees and Associate Instructors in their development. Participates in on-going regional/national AJKA-I instructor training sessions.
POSITION: Senior Instructor (Class B Instructor)
Specific Requirements:
1. AJKA-I Yondan rank or higher.
2. Graduate AJKA-I instructor training program more then 36 months prior
5. Authorized to promote youth and adult students to the AJKA-I rank of 1st dan (if authorized by regional director).
Standard duties and responsibilities:
- Responsible for the training and development of karate athletes and instructors in their jurisdiction, regardless of their ranks, and are qualified to conduct training seminars and regular classes for all levels. Participates in on-going regional/national AJKA-I instructor training sessions.
POSITION: Official Instructor (Class A Instructor)
Specific Requirements:
1. AJKA-I Godan rank or higher.
2. Graduate AJKA-I instructor training program more then 36 months prior
3. Grading authorizations are as follows
o One (1) 5th dan Class A instructor is Individually authorized to promote youth and adult students to the AJKA-I rank of 1st dan.
o Two (2) 5th dan level Class A instructors are authorized to promote to nidan
o One (1) 6th dan level Class A instructors is individual authorized to promote to nidan
Standard duties and responsibilities:
- Responsible and qualified to conduct training seminars, regular classes for all levels, and instructors' seminars. They are actively engaged in the research and development of karate techniques and training methods, and make recommendations to the AJKA-I based on the findings of their research.
Senior Grading:
Sandan grades and above are given at AJKA-I national and international examinations, training camps and competitions.
Leslie Safar – 10th Dan - by proxy
International Technical Director
sensei -dot- safar -at- gmail -dot- com